Looking to the Past to Guard Ballet’s Future: Cecchetti, Petipa and the Stepanov Reconstructions

The Story In the last years of Petipa’s life, 24 of his ballets were notated for posterity by Vladimir Stepanov and Alexander Gorsky. They were taken out of Russia after the Revolution by Nicholas Sergeyev. He spent the rest of his life mounting these ballets for various companies, notably England’s Vic-Wells Ballet. Sergeyev died in 1951 and…

Ballet’s Physical Principles Revealed through Cecchetti’s Method

How did Cecchetti develop his teaching Method ‘The Days of the Week’? From the 1860’s onwards, Italian ballet training advanced virtuosic technique in both men and women. Thanks to improvements in pointe-shoe making, ballerinas such as Carlotta Brianza, Virginia Zucchi and Pierina Legnina dazzled audiences with their daring turns, jumps and balances. The Italian school…

Glimpses into the Spanish World of Ballet

A Glimpse into the Spanish World – Cecchetti, Bournonville and the Escuela Bolera, A London Teaching Event, April 2012

Author’s first glimpse into the world of August Bournonville In 2007, in Paris, Flemming Ryberg and Dinna Bjorn of the Royal Theatre Copenhagen, presented a week of classes in Bournonville technique, repertoire and mime. As an observer with very little practical experience of the Bournonville style, I watched with fascination and delight, revelling in the…


Interview for Danse avec la Plume, editor Amélie Bertrand, February 2015

Promotional article for Redondanses, new venture for classical ballet events in Paris set up in 2014 by Marie-Josée Redont, former soloist Paris Opera ballet Promotional article for Redondanses, new venture What is meant by the term “Cecchetti  School”? Au Théâtre Maryinskii, en raison des progrès indéniables de chacun de ses élèves, Enrico Cecchetti a finalement…