The author would like to thank Livia Brillarelli for her kind permission to use photos of Cecchetti, his family and the dancers of the Ballets Russes from her book. Cecchetti, A Ballet Dynasty
Many of the Photos used in this website can be found in the following publications:
Brillarelli, Livia Cecchetti: A Ballet Dynasty Toronto Dance Collections Danse Educational Publications 1995
Beaumont, Cyril Bookseller at the Ballet Memoirs 1891-1929 Incorporating The Diaghilev Ballet in London, London: Beaumont 1975
Dandré, Victor Anna Pavlova in Art & Life London: Cassell and Co. Ltd 1932
Massine, Léonide, My Life in Ballet London: Macmillan 1968
Foster, Andrew R. Tamara Karsavina, Diaghilev’s Ballerina London Foster 2010
Racster, Olga The Master of the Russian Ballet – The Memoirs of Cav. Enrico Cecchetti Noverre Press 2013
Several photographs can be found online